Livestock Facility Report

Early in 2019, word spread through Laketown and neighboring towns that developers were looking to build modern, large swine farms.

In March 2019, a preliminary application was made for permits to build a farrowing barn with up to 26,000 hogs in the adjacent town of Trade Lake. Several Laketown landowners were solicited to sell parcels during that spring.

Support for and concerns about the pending Trade Lake deal were discussed at Laketown’s May 2019 town board meeting. Many residents called for the Town of Laketown to pass a moratorium and study the issue.

In July 2019, the board passed a moratorium on large livestock facilities that was extended once to run through January 2021. A five-person committee was appointed to study whether, or not, new ordinances were needed to protect the environment, public health or safety and property of Laketown.

The following link takes you to the committee’s report. It is a compilation of information from committee members but does not represent the opinion of every member.

Laketown Livestock Facility Report with Appendices 12-22-2020*

*Note: the OFFSET modeling tool from page 27 has moved to

Committee Member Sara Byl-Statement


DRAFT Livestock Siting Ordinance 11-23-21 Update

Laketown DRAFT CAFO Ord 11.23.21

Laketown DRAFT CAFO Ord – App A 11.23.21

Laketown DRAFT CAFO Ord- App B Maps 11.23.21